Spearfishing Our Life
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Images of the sea with a rather poetic perspective, are interwoven with the stories and the emotions of the protagonists of Pathos film by George Kellis, based on the idea of Giacomo De Mola, Pathos sub World Sales De Mola Italian apnea champion / bronze medal in world series, bronze medal in Euro african spearfishing champion, gold medal at Master de palma,
Andre’ Domingues 7 times national spearfishing champion of Portogual, silver medal in world spearfishing champion
Samuel Tomas National spearfishing champion of Spain, Euro African spearfishing champion, World spearfishing champion with the Spanish team
Oscar Lopez Champion of spearfishing community of Valencia, champion of open semana master de palma
Ale Talo Elite apnea athlete, apnea instructor, expert spearo
Kim Jaatinen National spearfishing champion of Finland
Aris Moukas Head coach of the national teams of Turkey in apnea & spearfishing
Samir Tiblali national spearfishing champion of Algeria, 2 times Euro African champion
Kostas Makris Member of the Greek national spearfishing team, champion of open semana master de palma
Vagelis Kotsakis Member of the Greek national spearfishing team, silver medal in national spearfishing championship of Greece in 2017
Cyril bollotte National spearfishing champion of France
Fred Gavini Surfer, underwater videographer, pathos sales man
Aggelos Michalopoulos Pathossub general Manager
Giacomo De Mola Campione italiano apnea/bronzo mondiale, bronzo pescasub euroafrican, gold at Master de palma
Andre’ Domingues 7 volte campione di portogallo di pescasub, vice campione del mondo individuale
Samuel Tomas Campione di spagna pescasub, campione d’europa, campione del mondo a squadre
Oscar Lopez Campione della comunita’ valenziana di pescasub, campione dell’open semana master de palma
Ale Talo Top Athelte Freediving /istruttore di apnea /esperto pescatore
Kim Jaatinen Campione Finlandese di pescasub
Aris Moukas Ct della squadra Turca di pescasub e apnea
Samir Tiblali Campione di Algeria di pescasub /vice campione euroafricano
Kostas Makris Nazionale greco / campione dell’open semana master de palma
Vagelis Kotsakis Nazionale greca/ vicecampione greco 2017
Cyril bollotte Campione Francese di Pescasub
Fred Gavini Surfer / cinepescasub /pathos sales man
Aggelos Michalopoulos Pathossub general Manager
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